Butternut squash curry

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Perfect Butternut Squash Curry: Cook’s Tips

Add Nutrient-Rich Ingredients: To enhance the nutritional value of your butternut squash curry, consider bulking it out with ingredients like spinach, green beans, or a tin of drained chickpeas. This not only adds more texture and flavor but also increases the fiber and protein content.

Freezing Instructions: If you have leftovers or want to prepare in advance, this butternut squash curry freezes well. Allow the final curry to cool, then store it in food-safe bags or containers. It can be frozen for up to six months, making it a convenient option for future meals.

Serving Suggestions: While rice is a classic accompaniment, you can elevate your butternut squash curry experience by serving it with naan or chapatis. The combination of the curry with these bread options provides a satisfying and well-rounded meal. Additionally, consider adding a dollop of chutney for an extra burst of flavor.

Make-Ahead Paste: Save time by preparing a large batch of the onion, ginger, garlic, and chili paste ahead of time. This versatile paste serves as a flavor base for many curries. Freeze it in portions, and it will keep for up to six months. Having this paste on hand allows you to streamline the cooking process and enjoy a delicious butternut squash curry more efficiently.


Butternut Squash Curry Recipe


  • 1 large butternut squash, peeled, seeded, and diced
  • 1 onion, finely chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1-inch piece of ginger, grated
  • 1-2 green chilies, finely chopped (adjust to taste)
  • 1 can (400g) diced tomatoes
  • 1 can (400ml) coconut milk
  • 1 cup spinach leaves, chopped
  • 1 cup green beans, chopped
  • 1 can (400g) chickpeas, drained (optional)
  • 2 tablespoons curry powder
  • 1 teaspoon ground cumin
  • 1 teaspoon ground coriander
  • 1/2 teaspoon turmeric
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 2 tablespoons cooking oil
  • Fresh cilantro (coriander) for garnish
  • Cooked rice, naan, or chapatis for serving


  1. Prepare the Squash: Peel, seed, and dice the butternut squash into bite-sized pieces.
  2. Sauté Aromatics: In a large pot, heat the cooking oil over medium heat. Add the chopped onion, minced garlic, grated ginger, and chopped green chilies. Sauté until the onions are soft and translucent.
  3. Spice it Up: Add the curry powder, ground cumin, ground coriander, turmeric, salt, and pepper. Stir well to coat the aromatics with the spices.
  4. Cook the Squash: Add the diced butternut squash to the pot, stirring to combine with the spices and aromatics.
  5. Tomatoes and Coconut Milk: Pour in the diced tomatoes and coconut milk. Bring the mixture to a gentle simmer and let it cook until the butternut squash is tender, about 15-20 minutes.
  6. Add Greens: Add the chopped spinach, green beans, and drained chickpeas (if using). Cook for an additional 5-7 minutes until the vegetables are cooked through.
  7. Adjust Seasoning: Taste and adjust the seasoning if necessary. If you prefer more heat, you can add a pinch of red chili flakes at this stage.
  8. Serve: Once the curry is ready, serve it over cooked rice, with naan, or alongside chapatis. Garnish with fresh cilantro.
  9. Enjoy: Enjoy your homemade butternut squash curry, a flavorful and hearty dish that’s perfect for any occasion!